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World Water Day Photo Contest

The Lions Club of Seregno + UN-Water

• Deadline: February 26th, 2022⁠

• Prize: 1500€ + Exhibition + Exposure

• Theme: Water for Life

• Entry Fees: Yes


In honor of 2023 World Water Day, the Lions Club of Seregno AID Ets, based in Seregno (MB), together with Lions Acqua per la vita MD108, the patronage of the European Community, the Province of Monza Brianza, the Municipalities of Seregno, Barlassina, Cesano Maderno, Seveso, and Gruppo Solidarietà Africa, are organizing the seventh edition of the "World Water Day Photo Contest".

The winnings from the competition will go toward co-financing an international aid project called "Water for Life" for communities in need.

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