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The Mangrove Photo Awards 2024

• The Mangrove Action Project

• Deadline: May 19th, 2024

• Prize: $500 + Exhibition

• Theme: Multiple Categories

• Entry Fees: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities •

The Mangrove Photo Awards 2024

The Mangrove Photography Awards 2024 has officially opened its doors to photographers worldwide! Now in its eighth consecutive year, this esteemed international photography competition continues its noble mission of shedding light on one of Earth's most underappreciated ecosystems: mangrove forests.

We extend a warm invitation to photographers of all skill levels, hailing from every corner of the globe, to participate in this year's awards. Our aim is twofold: to showcase the immense importance and staggering diversity of life within these coastal forests, and to provide a platform for individuals to advocate for the protection of this critical ecosystem.

This year, we are thrilled to introduce a brand-new category: Mangroves & Stories. This category offers photographers the opportunity to present a cohesive portfolio of work that not only captures the beauty of mangroves but also tells a compelling tale of conservation efforts. We eagerly anticipate the powerful narratives that will emerge from this innovative addition.

The competition features six categories, each designed to appeal to a broad spectrum of interests and artistic approaches. From breathtaking landscapes to intimate wildlife portraits, there is a category for every photographer to explore and excel in.

The distinguished panel of judges for the 2024 awards comprises renowned conservationists and wildlife photographers: Beverly Joubert, Dhritiman Mukherjee, Bertie Gregory, and Nadia Aly. Their expertise and discerning eyes will ensure that only the most exceptional entries are recognized and celebrated.

As we embark on this year's journey, we encourage photographers to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of mangroves and capture moments that resonate with both heart and mind. Through your lens, let us champion the cause of mangrove conservation and inspire action for the safeguarding of our planet's precious ecosystems.

Join us in honoring the beauty and significance of mangroves through the art of photography. Together, let us be the voice for these vital coastal forests. Enter the Mangrove Photography Awards 2024 and make your mark on conservation history.

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