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Prix Elysée - International Photography Prize

Prix Elysée

• Deadline: January 28th 2024

• Prize: CHF 80,000

• Theme: Open

• Entry Fee: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities •

At Photo Elysée, we believe that supporting photographers throughout the evolution of their careers is just as crucial as preserving their art for future generations. Since 2014, Photo Elysée and Parmigiani Fleurier have joined forces in a shared commitment to nurturing creativity and endorsing the production of new works, resulting in the establishment of the Prix Elysée, a biennial award.

The Prix Elysée operates in two phases, providing vital support for creative endeavors. The first phase involves promoting the work-in-progress of eight nominees, while the second phase showcases the finalized project of the winner through various means such as publication, exhibition, installation, and more.

Open to photographers and artists employing photography in their practice, regardless of age or nationality, the prize targets individuals whose work has gained national recognition through initial exhibitions and publications but has not yet been the subject of a mid-career retrospective. Nominees are recommended by esteemed professionals in the fields of photography or art, such as museums, galleries, publishing houses, or journalism. All photographic genres and techniques are welcome, and the prize is devoid of a specific theme. Proposed projects must be entirely new and unrealized, never exhibited or published before, and should not have been submitted to any other awards.

In the first year, eight nominees are selected based on their entry portfolios, each receiving a contribution of CHF 5,000 to initiate their projects. In the subsequent year, an international jury thoroughly evaluates the complete files of each nominee and selects the winner, who is awarded CHF 80,000. This sum is divided between the production and presentation of the project, with the expectation that both aspects will be completed on time and within budget. The curator continues to guide the winner throughout this process. The finalized project is then showcased at a significant Photo Elysée event.

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