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PhotoVogue - Open Call


• Deadline:15th May, 2023

• Prize: $5,000 Grant + Exhibition in Milan (IT)

• Category: Fashion Photography

• Entry Fee: Yes

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities

It is with great joy that PhotoVogue announces the second Global Open Call. Artists from all over the world are invited to submit work this year that challenges conventional notions of beauty.

The concept of beauty needs to change in tandem with cultural shifts in every region of the world. Gender, perfection, and homogeneity are no longer barriers to our progress: Beauty is not a checkbox or a pass/fail test based on outdated standards. It is constantly growing and changing as we break free from the stale stereotypes that used to dominate our cultural landscape. Expression and representation have never been more diverse or extensive.

We are looking for photographers, videographers, or artists who use a variety of media to answer the following question: What does modern beauty entail? From realism to fantasy, documentary-inspired to glam, direct to suggestive, we welcome all visual aesthetics. As long as the use of AI is disclosed, we will also consider AI-generated projects.

PhotoVogue is supported by all 27 Vogue publications worldwide. If your work is chosen, it will be shown in the main exhibit at the 2023 PhotoVogue Festival in Milan, and it could be in a Vogue issue.

Additionally, we will award a $5,000 grant to each of the two artists who submitted the most compelling and meaningful work to support their growth and artistic endeavors.

We have always challenged stereotypes, clichés, and homogeneous representations through our previous Open Calls, which have celebrated the female gaze, sought out the next great fashion image makers, highlighted diversity both in front of the camera and behind the scenes, investigated masculinity, and reframed history.

You could be one of the new voices that will shape not only the future of Vogue but also how we all experience culture by participating in this Open Call. Come and share your vision with us.


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