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Photography 4 Humanity / Global Prize 2024

Photography 4 Humanity

• Deadline: August 1st, 2024

• Prize: $5,000 + Exhibition in the U.K.

• Theme: Climate Justice

• Entry Fees: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities •

Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize

  1. Call for Submissions: Spotlighting Climate Justice through Photography

Embrace the opportunity to participate in the 2024 Global Contest dedicated to championing climate justice through the power of imagery. Rooted in our belief that climate change is fundamentally a human rights issue, we seek compelling photographs that illuminate the stories of those most profoundly impacted by the ever-intensifying climate crisis.

From climate refugees to the most vulnerable members of society—be it the young, the elderly, the disabled, or the impoverished—we aim to amplify their voices through visual narratives. Additionally, we aim to spotlight the resilience of indigenous and island communities, alongside the vital contributions of women in the fight for climate justice.

We invite submissions that capture the spirit of climate champions advocating for change, as well as those actively engaged in initiatives to mitigate and reverse the effects of climate change.

Step into the spotlight with the 2024 Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize Competition. Submit your entries today and become part of a transformative movement.

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