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NYC4PA / New York Center for Photographic Arts - Portals Photo Award


• Deadline: May 19th, 2024

• Prize: $1,100 + Exhibition

• Theme: Portals

• Entry Fees: Yes

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities •

NYC4PA / New York Center for Photographic Arts - Portals Photo Award

The New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA) invites photographers world-wide to submit images using any photographic process (print, image transfer, emulsion transfer, encaustic, black and white, etc.). Winners will receive $4,000 in cash awards, be featured in the NYC4PA Online Gallery and in the winners catalog. The Grand Prize winning image will be posted on the NYC4PA home page.


Portals is one of our favorite themes.   It allows for so much creativity capturing things that are all around wherever we may be.  


Doors and windows and arches and frames and tunnels are so much a part of our lives. There are so many ways to think about them. We can look at them, or through them.  We can poke our hand out the window to test the weather, or just see a wonderful scene a little differently when framed by an arch or array of tree limbs in a park.


For this call your images can focus on the "portal" itself like a closed door or a wonderful windowsill, or the view through the portal to the other side. Does it frame the main subject of the photograph or does it add another dimension, such as the distortions of old glass or reflections in windowpanes.

Once again, we invite you to be creative and have fun in the process.    Note – Images awarded an NYC4PA prize within the past 2 years are not eligible. Images submitted that were not selected for a prize may be submitted at any time

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