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Luis Valtueña International Humanitarian Photography Award

Premio Internacional Luis Valtueña

• Deadline: October 10th 2023⁠

• Category: Photojournalism

• Prize: €6,000 + Exhibition in Madrid

• Entry Fees: Free


Médicos del Mundo Spain is excited to announce the commencement of the 27th Luis Valtueña International Award, a prestigious endeavor aimed at celebrating and sharing the most remarkable contributions to humanitarian photography. This distinguished accolade seeks to shed light on the captivating narratives captured through the lens – stories that eloquently depict social dilemmas, injustices, and infringements on human rights, as well as those that champion or combat these dire circumstances.

With the award christened in honor of the revered photographer and international aid worker, Luis Valtueña, a profound tribute is paid to not only his extraordinary life but also the lives of three other valiant aid workers from the organization who tragically lost their lives in Rwanda (1997) and Bosnia (1995) while tirelessly carrying out humanitarian missions. This award is a resounding testament to their unwavering commitment and boundless solidarity, which constitute the very heart and soul of this event.

Should you find yourself enticed to partake in this remarkable endeavor, you are invited to delve into the detailed guidelines accessible here (also available in both Spanish and French). The laureate of this distinguished award will be granted the esteemed sum of 6,000 Euros, a fitting reward for their remarkable achievement. Additionally, all the captivating works that earn a place of honor in this competition, encompassing both the victorious series and the notable finalists, will be featured within a comprehensive catalog. Furthermore, they will be prominently displayed in a collective and traveling exhibition meticulously curated by Médicos del Mundo.

As a token of appreciation, Médicos del Mundo will extend its hospitality to cover the travel expenses and accommodations for a span of two consecutive nights, ensuring that the winners are present to receive their well-deserved accolades during the award ceremony and the grand opening of the esteemed exhibition.

In steadfast dedication to the art and its creators, Médicos del Mundo commits to a comprehensive promotion of the selected photographic series and the artists behind them for a minimum of one year. This concerted effort will encompass press releases, liaisons with the media, tailored dissemination materials, and an array of dedicated initiatives.

In essence, the 27th Luis Valtueña International Award stands as a beacon of recognition for the impactful work of humanitarian photographers, a platform to amplify the voices of the oppressed and overlooked, and a testament to the enduring spirit of compassion and advocacy that is at the core of Médicos del Mundo's ethos.


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