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La Vie en Bleu - International Photography Residency

La Vie en Bleu

• Deadline: March 15th, 2024

• Prize: Residency in Nice (France) + Exhibition

• Category: Open

• Entry Fees: Yes

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities •

Independent & Image Art Space 独立映像艺术空间 - Call for a Group Exhibition

La Vie En Bleu offers a one-week photography residency program in Nice, France, to work on a personal project with all costs covered.

The series created in Nice during the residency will be exhibited for 3 weeks in a local gallery.

In addition to the residency winner, the jury will select 15 finalists who will be invited to exhibit their best photo.

This residency is mentored by international renowned photographer @ximena_echague

Deadline March 15th, 2024.

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