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Heidelberg Photo Prize


• Deadline: September 18th, 2022⁠

• Prize: Exhibition

• Theme: Hope

• Entry Fees: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities

Together with the Heidelberg City Library, dpunkt.verlag is organizing a photo competition again in 2022. A new competition entitled »Heidelberger Fotopreis« is being launched, which is to take place annually in the future.

When searching for a topic for this year's competition, a term that seemed appropriate and contemporary to us came up with a view to various current developments in our society: hope .

It is part of our thinking and feeling, it can be understood as a driving force and good expectations, but also as a harbinger of disappointments. But we want to know: what does hope mean to you? What do you associate with this term, and which scenes, forms, motifs do you think express “hope” pictorially?

From 01.06. until September 18th, 2022 you can show us exactly that and submit a photo for our »Heidelberg Photo Prize«. Take the opportunity, be creative!

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