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Global Photography Competition - Concrete in Life 2023


• Deadline: November 15th, 2023

• Prize: $10,000 + Exposure

• Category: Urban Photography

• Entry Fees: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE for more opportunities •

Concrete, a ubiquitous human-made material with a global footprint, is an integral part of our everyday lives. It envelops us in our homes and workplaces, lays the foundation for our roads and pathways, supports the vital connections of bridges, serves as the bedrock for wind farms that power our lives, and stands as a resilient guardian in the form of sea barriers. As the preferred choice for sustainable construction, concrete not only assures the creation of secure, enduring structures but also facilitates the development of renewable energy infrastructure.

We are thrilled to present "Concrete in Life," an annual photography competition that welcomes photographers from around the world, including those armed with nothing more than a camera phone. This unique competition invites participants to capture the omnipresence of concrete in their daily experiences and offers a chance to win cash prizes of up to $10,000.

Entering this competition is a breeze. All you need to do is share your concrete-centric photographs on social media, accompanied by the hashtag #ConcreteInLife2023 and the relevant category hashtag (detailed entry guidelines provided below).

Our esteemed panel of judges will meticulously evaluate the submissions, and we anticipate revealing the shortlisted entries later this year. The winners will be officially announced in early 2024.

Adding to the excitement, this year brings a brand new feature: the "People's Choice" award. This allows the general public to have their say by voting for their favorite image among our shortlisted entries. Keep an eye out for further details about this captivating addition to the competition.

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