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Environmental Photographer of the Year

Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation

• Deadline: November 5th, 2023

• Prize: €5,000 + Exhibition in Monaco

• Category: Environmental Photography

• Entry Fees: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE for more opportunities •

The Prince Albert I of Monaco Foundation Environmental Photography Award is an annual competition, now in its fourth year, established to recognize photographers who utilize their creativity to promote awareness of the imperative to safeguard the environment.

Photographers are encouraged to contemplate humanity's connection with the natural world and the intricate interplay between human well-being and the health of our planet.

The award offers a prize fund of €11,000 and, in addition to crowning the Environmental Photographer of the Year 2024, the Jury will select thirty-six photographs for inclusion in an international traveling exhibition. This exhibition will commence in the Principality of Monaco and will also feature in a top-quality photography book.

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