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Breda Photo Festival 2024 - Open Call

Breda Photo Festival

• Deadline: 17th December, 2023

• Theme: Journeys

• Prize: Exhibition in the Netherlands

• Entry Fees: Free

• REGISTRATION: CLOSED, Click HERE For More Opportunities

Call for Submissions: Journeys

BredaPhoto is dedicated to exhibiting visual narratives that ignite, provoke, challenge, and stimulate fresh inquiries, reaffirming photography as the quintessential art form within our society. The BredaPhoto Festival is a biennial event that provides a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the creations of celebrated national and international photographers and visual artists, set against the backdrop of distinctive indoor and outdoor venues throughout Breda. Over a span of seven weeks, the city undergoes a remarkable transformation, becoming an expansive canvas that adds an extra layer of significance to these artworks.

In 2024, the BredaPhoto Festival will make its return from September 13 to November 3, and, just as in previous editions, artists working within the realm of photography have the opportunity to submit their work that aligns with the festival's theme through our Open Call.

The theme for the 2024 BredaPhoto Festival is "Journeys."

Journeys: As diverse as we are, we are all on a quest to discover our unique place in life. This search, this inner journey of self-discovery, can be aspirational, driven by yearning and a thirst for freedom. It might involve a pursuit of purpose, higher meaning, or even the battle for survival. Journeys can be psychological or spiritual, yet also profoundly physical. They may be brimming with promise, excitement, but equally rife with trials. Whether propelled by curiosity or necessitated by emergencies, much like the countless exiles and refugees worldwide.

In an age where physical travel can exact a toll on our planet, the BredaPhoto Festival 2024 symbolically emphasizes the concept of journeys. Whether it's the personal pursuit of identity and a purposeful existence or the collective voyage in search of liberty and breathing space. Journeys aim to weave a tapestry of diverse narratives, endeavoring to create connecting pathways in between, and to inspire the audience to explore novel and alternative routes of their own.

Open Call - Submissions: Photographers and artists working within the realm of photography are invited to submit proposals that resonate with the theme for this festival edition through this Open Call via Picter. BredaPhoto welcomes lens-based projects spanning a range of mediums, including, but not limited to, photography, video, digital projects, film, moving images, and installations. We wholeheartedly encourage interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaborations, both in terms of content and form. We also extend an invitation to works that embrace collaboration, especially image-makers collaborating with individuals from diverse fields, thereby presenting narratives that are fresh and relevant to our times.

Jury for the 2024 edition:

  • Dr. Ileana L. Selejan – Writer, researcher, curator, and presently a lecturer in art history, culture, and society at Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh. Co-curator of the BredaPhoto Festival 2024.

  • Mohammed Somji – Curator, documentary photographer, and Director of Dubai-based Gulf Photo Plus. Co-curator of the BredaPhoto Festival 2024.

  • Reinout van den Bergh – Photographer and Curator at BredaPhoto.

  • Astrid Hulsmann – Curator at BredaPhoto.

  • Jan Schaerlackens – Art Director at BredaPhoto.

Deadline: The Open Call begins on October 6 and concludes on December 17, 2023. Selected photographers and artists will receive invitations to present their projects during the BredaPhoto Festival 2024. They will be contacted individually before March 1, 2024. The full roster of participating photographers and visual artists will be unveiled several months prior to the commencement of the festival.


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