• Action Contre la Faim
• Deadline: August 31st, 2024
• Theme: Humanitarian
• Prize: 10,000 Euros + Exhibition
• Entry Fees: Free
Its objective is to launch a reflection on the future of humanitarian imagery, with its actors, in order to think together about its future evolution and initiate a new look. A look that would go beyond the usual reproductions, that would be fairer, more balanced, more ethical and that would allow a more balanced exchange with the people represented.
This scholarship is intended to be a place for the exploration of new narrative and iconographic processes. We invite those who would like to propose their project to free themselves from the assimilated conventions, to be creative and daring in order to feed a collective reflection around the development of the multimedia language in the humanitarian field.
In addition to promoting the work of content creators, this grant aims to increase the visibility of the people we support, as well as the situations they live in, wherever Action Against Hunger intervenes.Following the call for applications, projects to be created or in progress will be judged.
The pre-selected projects will be submitted to an international, multidisciplinary and joint jury, which will choose the winner. The winner will receive a grant of €10,000 to carry out his or her project, which will be exhibited from October 2025. He/she will also receive mentoring from the President of the jury of the grant, director of the LagosPhoto Festival and the African Artists’ Foundation, Azu Nwagbogu.