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FREE ENTRY / FINI 2025 International Image Contest
FREE ENTRY / FINI 2025 International Image Contest

Fri, May 02


Fee: Free / Prize: 60,000 MXN

FREE ENTRY / FINI 2025 International Image Contest

Theme: Indigenous Peoples. El e submission of works and documents online implies the acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Call. 2. e willfull or negligent incompliance to the requirements settled in these ocial rules will be a motive of disqualication in any stage of the contest...

Deadline / Fee / Prize:

May 02, 2025, 9:50 PM

Fee: Free / Prize: 60,000 MXN


El e submission of works and documents online implies the acceptance of the terms and

conditions of this Call.

2. e willfull or negligent incompliance to the requirements settled in these ocial rules will be a

motive of disqualication in any stage of the contest, with no liability to the Universidad Autónoma

del Estado de Hidalgo, the International Image Festival, nor the jury, whose decision will be


3. In the event of disqualication due to non-compliance or failure to comply with any of the points

established in the Call for this contest and these guidelines at any stage, the participants are obliged

to abide by the resolution, exempting the Jury, FINI and UAEH from any liability.

4. Participation in any of the genres and categories of the International Image Contest FINI 2025

implies authorization to the UAEH and FINI to publish the works in exhibitions, videos, compendiums,

catalogs or other media that refer to the memory or work and results of the corresponding edition of

FINI during and after the contest, before the university community, public and private institutions,

society and the general public, state, national and international. e above, in any printed or

electronic media for dissemination purposes.

5. Participants will continue to hold the copyright of the works with which they participate, in

compliance with the provisions of articles 18 to 29 of the Federal Copyright Law.

6. e works selected as nalists, in the genres POSTER, PHOTOGRAPHY and ALTERNATIVE

TECHNIQUES in any of the categories, will become part of the UAEH collection, granting authorization

to mount, dismount, tour, reproduce them in any form and format, print them, exhibit them in

whole or in part and distribute them. e above, in accordance with the provisions of the Ocial

Rules and Guidelines of this Call.

7. Participation in this Contest implies tacit acceptance that the posters, photographs and works of

alternative techniques that are chosen to be printed will include a border with the logos of the

International Image Festival (FINI) and the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH). e

above without altering the original image.

8. e works selected as nalists in the SHORT FILM genre will become part of the UAEH collection,

granting the right to screen them, exhibit them in whole or in part and broadcast them in the

spaces and media that FINI and UAEH determine, including the Autonomous University Media

System, through open television channel 13.1. e above during and after the 14th edition of FINI,

for dissemination purposes and in accordance with the provisions of the bases and guidelines of this


9. e winning and/or nalist short lms may be selected to be screened during the awards ceremony, so

participation in the contest implies authorization to do so.

10. Participants, in any category or genre, accept that they will not receive any payment for the exhibition

of the work with which they participate.

11. Participation in this contest, regardless of the category and genre, implies the declaration under oath

of telling the truth, of having the authorship, ownership and/or possession of the moral, proprietary,

intellectual, and artistic rights of the work with which one participates, assuming the responsibility that its

falsehood, if applicable, may entail.

12. In the event that the registered work involves music, logos, photographs, texts, works or any

other material subject to intellectual property and copyright laws, participation implies a declaration

under oath of having the permissions and/or reproduction rights releasing UAEH and/or FINI from any


13. In the event the registered work involves the image of elderly people and/or minors, the

participation implies, declaring under oath, having the corresponding consent, assuming any liability

otherwise provided.

14. Participation implies the release of UAEH and FINI from any liability in matters of intellectual

property and copyright.

15. UAEH and/or FINI permanently reserve the right to admit and/or exclude the participation of any

person in the event of non-compliance with the requirements set forth in the call, the guidelines

and/or the regulations in force and applicable at the time of participation.

16. FINI is a space of zero tolerance for any type of violence. In light of the above, any registered work

whose author is reported, or receives a warning, of having committed an act of violence that violates

institutional policies regarding human rights and culture of peace, will result in the cancellation of the

participant or participants, without any liability for UAEH or FINI.

Chapter II. Terms and requirements.

1. To participate in the contest, it is crucial to be 18 years old at the time this Call is closed, which

will be accredited with a voting credential or valid passport.

2. Under no circumstances, work created with articial intelligence will be accepted. In case there

is any work with these characteristics, it will be disqualied regardless of the stage of the contest it

is at.

3. Participants, regardless of the category or genre, will be able to download and ll out the

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY at the following link,

and send it according to these guidelines.

4. To participate in the category University Community, the following requirements must be met:

4.1. Have a Mexican birth certicate together with INE credential to vote; a valid Mexican

Passport; or a Naturalization Certicate issued by the Mexican authorized ocer.

4.2. To have an academic transcript duly issued by a higher education institution

recognized by Mexican educational authorities that proves that you are currently

enrolled in a higher education program by the time this Call closes.

5. To participate in the category National Professional, the following requirements must be met.

5.1. Have a Mexican birth certicate together with the INE credential to vote; a valid

Mexican Passport; or a Naturalization Certicate issued by the Mexican authorized


6. It is the responsibility of the participants in the categories UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY AND

NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL to have an active bank account under their own name, able to receive

wire transfers, other than a payroll account, issued by a nancial institution with operations in

Mexico and that has not monthly limit to receive deposits.

7 . _ To participate in the category of INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL, the following requirements

must be met:

7.1. Have a valid passport issued from an authorized ocer in your country.

7.2. When applicable, to have a valid Visa in accordance with the Mexican migration


7.3. Depending on your nationality and the international requirements for international

transit of your country, those who participate in this category, must have a valid

USA Visa or a special travel permit, accordingly.

7.4. Be able to travel and be in Mexico from April 24 to May 2, 2025.

Chapter III. About the registration

and submission of documents.

1. In the format referred to in point 2 of Chapter III of the Guidelines to the Call, the complete and correct data must be included in

order to insert the digital images (PHOTOGRAPHY, ALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUES, AND POSTER).

2. e participants of the SHORT FILM genre must write a link with the corresponding access code

to visualize the work. In addition, they must attach a synopsis of the submitted work, with a maximum

length of 1000 characters (the system will not accept more).

3. For the genres of PHOTOGRAPHY and ALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUES, each participant should register

a series of 4 (four) images that show a unied topic. ey must have the following characteristics:

horizontal or vertical orientation, 72 DPI of resolution, in JPG or PGN format, RGB mode or grayscale,

at 8 bits, with a minimum weight of 1 MB and a maximum of 2 MB (each one). e participants must

attach a conceptual text of the work of a maximum of 1,000 characters (the system will not accept


4. In the case of the ALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUES genre, the works must be presented in a 2D shape.

No 3D works will be accepted.

5. For the genre of POSTER, each participant must register for only one design. e les must have

the following characteristics: vertical orientation, 72 DPI of resolution, in JPG or PGN format, RGB

mode, with a minimum weight of 1 MB and a maximum 2 MB. e participants must attach a

conceptual text of the work of maximum 1,000 characters (the system will not accept more).

6. e SHORT FILMS must strictly be subtitled in Latin-American Spanish in case Spanish is not the

original Language. In case of submitting a video that does not comply with this requirement, it will be

disqualied with no liability for the UAEH and FINI.

7. Once the system veries that the data and the work have been registered correctly, it will issue

a receipt with a number for each participant. It will be the participant’s responsibility to keep

his/her registration number and to remember the work(s) with which he/she is participating. On

the contrary, he/she will be unable to continue with the process, with no liability to the UAEH or FINI.

8. e information on the identity of the participant will remain under the custody of the person in

charge of the Department of Planning, Administration and Finance of the International Image Festival

and will be used for administrative purposes and for checking the registered information; however, no

one will have access to it, including the members of the Jury, until the selection of the nalists is over.

9. Once the register is done, participants must submit the documents and materials so the

Department of Planning, Administration and Finance of FINI can verify the compliance of the

established requirements. In case of incompliance, the participant will be disqualied automatically

with no need of previous notice and with no liability to the International Image Festival (FINI) nor

the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH).

10. ose who participate will have to send in one e-mail to the following

SCANNED documents:

10.1. Regardless of the genre and category you are participating in, all the participants

must send:

Ocial voter credential on both sides, on the same page, or passport, both VALID



applies, the corresponding credit must be indicated. e sending of said

photography implies the authorization without reservations to use it for

disseminating purposes.

e declaratory letter

referred to in term 3 section II of this guidelines must be printed and lled out in

perfectly legible block letters and signed in blue ink.


categories, it is imperative to send a legible birth certicate recently issued.


genres, they must send in PDF format the data sheet that can be downloaded from

the following link:,

said format must be lled out and signed on every page.

10.4. For participants in the SHORT FILM genre, regardless of the category, they must send

in PDF format the data sheet lled out and signed on every page, which can be

downloaded from the following link

11. Regardless of the genre and category in which you are participating, the subject line of the

e-mail should include “FINI CONTEST 2025” and in the body of the e-mail please include the full

name of the participant, the registration number, category, genre, telephone number, and country

of origin.

12. e name of the folder, les, and/or materials must correspond to their content.

Chapter IV. Submission specications for nalists

1. During the second stage of the contest, those who form the jury, freely and individually will

value the relevance, the technical, aesthetic and conceptual quality; the originality and creativity, the

artistic approach; that the number of pieces per series was met, the orientation (horizontal or vertical,

accordingly), the format and the relation that the work has with the main topic of the 14th edition of

FINI, assigning a score to each one of the items.

2. Approximately the highest 8 scores will be selected from each category and its different genres,

who will be part of the nalists and will be announced through the ocial media of FINI on February

14, 2025. At the same time, the participants who are selected as nalists will receive a notication to

the e-mail they registered ending the second stage of the procedure.

3. e participants who are selected as nalists who live outside the Metropolitan Area of Pachuca

de Soto, Hidalgo, will have free accommodation for one night (double room, breakfast included) at

the hotel that the International Image Festival (FINI) determines, in order to facilitate their presence

in the awarding ceremony and the inauguration of the exhibition of their work.

4. In order to provide the accommodation previously mentioned, it is crucial to conrm your

attendance by April 7, 2025, to the e-mail writing in the subject

“Conrmation of Accommodation FINI Contest 2025”.

5. e selection of nalists will be unappealable.

Chapter V. Specication about the submission

of les and documentation of the nalists.

1. e participants selected as nalists authorize to exhibit their work according to the provisions

of these guidelines.

2. e objective of the exhibition of the works selected as nalists is to recognize the creators,

therefore, once the person is registered, it is understood that the person authorizes to exhibit their


3. e nalists of the genres PHOTOGRAPHY and ALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUES will be responsible for

sending the digital les of their images in high resolution; these should be in TIFF format, RGB mode

or grayscale, 8 bits, at 300 DPI of resolution, adjusted horizontally or vertically and with

measurements of 90x60cm of 60x90cm. Besides, they must send the les of the works they are

participating with in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format. e material mentioned must be sent to the following

e-mail: writing in the subject FINALIST FINI CONTEST 2025 and in the

body of the e-mail the category, genre, registration number and the name of the participant. e name

of the attached les and/or materials must correspond to their content.

4. e nalists of the POSTER genre will be responsible for sending the digital les of their images

in high resolution; these should be in TIFF format, RGB mode, at 300 DPI of resolution, adjusted

vertically, and with measurements of 60x90cm. Besides, they must send the les of the works they

are participating with in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format. e material mentioned must be sent to the

following e-mail: writing in the subject FINALIST FINI CONTEST 2025 and

in the body of the e-mail the category, genre, registration number and the name of the participant. e

name of the attached les and/or materials must correspond to their content.

5. _e nalists of the SHORT FILM genre will be responsible for sending to the following e-mail:

a) e video with which they are participating in optimal HD (1920 x 1080) in any of the

following formats:

Exhibition format: File.mp4 (MPEG-4). Codec H.264, of at least 10Mbps.

Stereo audio or multichannel 5.1 AAC 48 kHz.

Aspect Ratio: 16:9

Frame Rate acceptable_ 23.97, 24, 25, 29.97 ó 30 fps

b) Subtitle le must be in .srt format


e trailer of the video they are participating with in HD (1920 x 1080) in the

following formats:

Apple Prores HQ*.MOV of at least 40 or 50 Mbps.

mp4 le (MPEG-4). Code H.264, of at least 10 Mbps

Audio stereo o multichannel 5.1AAC 48kHz

Graphic material of the participant documentary video with a minimum quality of

1000px * 800px in .jpeg or .png le extension.

Poster in portrait format (credit) 1943px * 3000px or proportional, in image le

extension jpeg or png and in .psd or .ai le (editable). is material is mandatory.

Five frames of the lm in .jpeg or .png le extension. Mandatory material.

6. e subject of the e-mail referred to in term 5 of this chapter must be: FINALIST FINI CONTEST

2025, and the body of the e-mail must include the category, genre, registration number, and the name

of the participant. e name of the attached les and/or materials must correspond to their


7. e submission of information to the e-mail mentioned in terms 3,4 and 5 of this chapter must

be done between February 14 and 24, 2025. e incompliance to this term will be a cause of

disqualication with no liability for FINI or the UAEH.

Chapter VI. About the nal resolution of the jury

and the announcement of the winners.

1. In a virtual session, the jury of each genre, will show the works selected as nalists in accordance

to Chapter IV of these guidelines.

2. In a collegial manner and with full liberty, the jury will determine the three rst places in the

categories UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY and NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL, in each of the genres, and the

best work, in each of the genres of the INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL category.

3. e jury has the faculty to declare the Contest void in one or more places, genres, and

categories according to the artistic, technical and conceptual appreciation; as well as to grant

Honorable Mentions. e rst part of the paragraph previously mentioned applies even when

nalists have been selected.

4. On March 3, 2025 the list of winners will be announced through the web page and social media

of FINI.

5. Any matter or circumstance regarding the aesthetic appreciation that is not expressly included

in the Call or these Guidelines will be solved by the jury, whose decision will be unappealable.

6. ere will be an ocial minute of the nal decision of the jury which will be signed by each of the

jurors pointing out the winners of the contest. In order for the minute to be signed, the signature can

be holographic or digital when the jurors cannot sign it in person, which will not diminish the value of

the jury’s nal decision.

Chapter VII. About the exhibition, granting

of recognitions and awarding.

1. e works selected as nalists in the genres of photography, alternative techniques and poster

will be exhibited during the activities of the International Image Festival 2025 and in accordance with

these Guidelines.

2. e nalists of the different genres will receive a recognition which will be granted in the date

and the time announced on March 3, 2025, through the social media of FINI.

3. To grant the recognitions previously mentioned, the nalists and/or winners must conrm their

attendance no later than April 7, 2025, in accordance with the term 4 of Chapter IV of these


4. On the day the recognitions are granted, the nalists and/or winners must arrive at the venue at

their own cost, an hour early and register their attendance.

5. In case the nalists and/or winners do not arrive an hour early and do not register their

attendance, they will receive their recognition at the end of the ceremony.

6. e awarding of the winners will be according to Chapter IV of the Call, and Chapters VI and VIII

of these Guidelines.

Chapter VIII. About the payment on account of awards

1. e awards will be paid within the 30 labor days after the awarding ceremony, as long the

participants have complied with the process and submitted documentation via e-mail to the FINI

Department of Planning, Administration and Finance. On the contrary, the term will count as of the

required documents are sent.


considered, besides the established in the previous term, that the prize can only be paid in the year

of the contest; otherwise, the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo and the International

Image Festival will not be able to do the payment. is is with no liability to the institution

organizing the event.

3. e participation in the International Image Contest FINI 2025 implies the acceptance of the times

and processes of payment determined by the International Image Festival and the Universidad

Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo.

4. For the awarding in any of the categories and genres of this contest, it will be the responsibility

of the winners to be attentive to the announcement mentioned in term 4 of Chapter VI of these

Guidelines and respond to the communications of the International Image Festival.

5. e payment that corresponds to the award of the categories UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY and

NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL in any of its genres and places will be made by wire transfer. at is why

it is essential, and under the responsibility of the participant, to comply with the requirement

established in term 6 of Chapter II of these Guidelines.

6. e payment that corresponds to the award of the INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL category will

be made according to what is established in term 2.5 of Chapter IV of the Call in compliance with

term 7, Chapter II of these Guidelines.

7. In case the winners of the INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL category do not comply with the

requirements established in term 7 of Chapter II of these Guidelines, the Universidad Autónoma del

Estado de Hidalgo and the International Image Festival will be unable to grant the corresponding

prize, therefore the granting will be cancelled with no legal liability to the institution that grants it.

8. e participants, before registering to this Contest, must make sure that their country, nancial

institution they use, or their own individual self are not sanctioned in the OFAC Sanctions Lists (Oce

of Foreign Assets Control) which you can consult in the following link on the basis of an Executive Order from the Department of the

Treasury of the United States of America, as well as from the FATF (Financial Action Task Force). e

former, in order to be able to receive the electronic transfer being the prize, in case they result


9. In case the requirements established in the Call and in these Guidelines, as well as valid national

and international regulations applicable to the moment of the awarding are not timely met, or in case

there is an impediment of those expected for the contest, the winner will expressly release the UAEH

and FINI and/or the jury of carrying out such awarding.

Chapter IX. Tax payment

1. e person who wins, regardless of the category and genre he/she is participating, will be

responsible for the payment of taxes and applicable charges according to their country of origin.

Chapter X. Unforeseeable circumstances

1. It is understood that the winning contestant accepts as of the moment of their participation that

the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo may not grant one or several prizes, with no legal

responsibility whatsoever, due to an unforeseeable circumstance, force majeure, global or national

nancial crisis, devaluation or currency crisis, unavailability of resources, regional or global public

health emergencies (pandemic) or natural phenomena, revolutions, riots, rebellions, sabotage actions,

theft, casualties, acts of payment suspension or delivery of funds that affect the assets or fund that

the university obtains to grant the prizes, as well as the impossibility to deliver one or several prizes

not attributable to the University.

Chapter XI. Civil and criminal liability

1. If the winner would have committed error, deception, fraud, identity theft, misappropriation or

misuse of intellectual property, industrial property, copyright, digital rights, materials, properties,

possessions of a third party, malicious or dishonest conduct in order to obtain or cash the prize, the

Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo will be released of any legal responsibility for these acts

or events and could claim damages to the winner that have committed these acts or events described


Chapter XII. Jurisdiction and competence

1. _Any dispute that may arise, related to the compliance of the obligations incurred based on the

International Image Contest organized by the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, will be

subject to the Mexican laws and procedures, and will be solved in Mexican Courts, regardless of the

nationality of the participants of the contest, therefore, they resign to claim the application of foreign


From April 24 to May 2

E D I T I O N1 4 T H

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