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Analog Forever Magazine - Open Call
Analog Forever Magazine - Open Call

Mon, Feb 28


Fee: Free / Prize: Group Exhibition

Analog Forever Magazine - Open Call

Theme: Fabricated Realities. We are excited to announce that our March 2022 online group exhibition, “Fabricated Realities,” is being curated by the publisher and founder of The Hand Magazine, Adam Finkelston! The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2022!

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Deadline / Fee / Prize:

Feb 28, 2022, 8:59 PM

Fee: Free / Prize: Group Exhibition


We are excited to announce that our March 2022 online group exhibition, “Fabricated Realities,” is being curated by the publisher and founder of The Hand Magazine, Adam Finkelston! The deadline for submissions is February 28th, 2022! To enter, all you need to do is read and respond to the following prompt with your analog photography. The best of these images will be showcased in an online show, beginning March 14th, 2022. Good luck!

Adam Finkelston writes:  In 1976, AD Coleman coined the term, “Directorial Photography” to describe photographs of events that were created solely for the purpose of being photographed. Coleman was describing a shift in the repertoire of photographic arts that had moved from scientific endeavor to romantic images that emulated paintings, to documentary and journalistic reportage, and then to the fabricated realities of pop and post-modern art. Hot on the heels (or, rather, simultaneously but perhaps separately) of works in “the directorial mode” (as Coleman called the approach) was a return to what Lyle Rexer called, the Antiquarian Avante Garde. A backlash, in some ways, against the proliferation of commercialized and digitized imagery, the antiquarian photographers returned to hand-printed approach. They utilized antiquarian process such as cyanotype, wet plate collodion, gum bichromate, and others, but also invented new ones – gumoil, diazo printing, mordançage, and many others. But they also ushered in a new life for digital imaging, helping to fuse together the old and the new. There are in an infinite number of possibilities in utilizing both digital and hand-printed techniques. They are both valuable and both have their advantages and charms. But…..

What I am interested in for this exhibition is to see instances where the directorial mode meets the antiquarian method. For this call, I am interested in fabricated realities, invented characters, fantastic places, weird objects, and strange events. That leaves things pretty wide open. Still life, tableaux, and directorial subjects are all welcome. But I am also interested in how the hand-made print plays a part in creating these fabrications. Take me to another world – your world – printed in your style, with your unique voice.

Deadline for Submissions is February 28th, 2022

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