• T.i.p.a.
• Deadline: November 1st, 2023
• Prize: 3,000 Eur + Exhibition in Madrid
• Category: Several Categories
• Entry Fees: Free
The Technical Image Press Association, TIPA, has announced a photo contest under the banner of “Picture This! Camera Shots.” in order to share the passion for the photographic craft and its gear with all working and avid hobbyist photographers.
The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) is an organization of photo and imaging magazines and websites from around the world that each year sponsors the TIPA World Awards given to the best cameras, lenses and the wide range of imaging products available today.
The call for entries, which is now posted on Picter, is open to all photographers for submission of their best images showcasing their engagement with photography and photo gear. Three different entry categories are in the call, including “My Camera and I”, “My Camera in Action” and “What’s in My Camera Bag”.
Photographers can submit up to five images in each category, with each category offering a cash award (500 euros) for the winner of the category, plus an overall grand prize for the best in show (1500 euros). Winning images will be chosen by a panel of experts composed of the editors of TIPA member publications. There is no fee for entry.
TIPA members share their avid and passionate involvement in photography throughout the year in their work on magazines and websites dedicated to all aspects of the imaging art, craft and trade. Consider this call for entries as an invitation to all photographers to celebrate that shared passion. In addition to cash prizes, the winning 15 images will be published on the TIPA website (www.tipa.com) and in select TIPA member magazines and websites throughout the world.